New Leisure Suit Larry 5 soundtracks coming

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New Leisure Suit Larry 5 soundtracks coming

Post by Spikey »

Hey folks,

I'm not announcing this publically yet, but I thought it might be fun to do so here, since I was feeling a QuestStudios vibe with this project.

Basically, I've been working on creating a studio with high quality realistic sounds, but I also have a JV-50 keyboard (SC with an expanded JV-1000 soundset), which is pre JV-1080 for those keeping track. To cut a long story short, it's similar to the SC series and JV series, but also a bit different. I also think it has the best sound and sounds combo I've ever heard on a Roland product, even better than the later Sound Canvases (which had poor components used at times).
It has amazing low, deep sounds (bass frequencies), much better than the JV-1080 (which is probably better at overall frequencies).

Anyway. Larry 5 is an absolutely excellent score in my view (maybe the most underrated?) and while it is great on the MT-32, I have had a long belief that if it's converted for GM - slightly optimised/done differently to the QS GM score - it could be great there too.
As for the MT-32 score, I'll be presenting it in some ways very similarly to QuestStudios and in other ways editing it differently, with changes such as longer loops and expanded tracks - 44 regular tracks, and 10 or so bonus ones never before seen (see below).
This got me also thinking I could make an old "QuestStudios" type digital score with a mix of Roland MT-32 sounds and SC/JV sounds that might sound really good. While of course QuestStudios made a LSL5 soundtrack CD, I felt it mostly stayed true to the original MT-32 score, and there's more scope to blend MT-32 and Sound Canvas/JV tracks, more like a KQ6 or SQ4 type effort.
See here for a bit of nostalgia: ... sl5cd.html

So, I'm working on the following:
1. Updating - and finishing - my MT-32 edited score that I began back in 2005, and revisited in 2016-17. It'll be greatly expanded to include all the music, and also many unreleased beta and rare tracks from Sierra's master files.
2. Converting that score for GM (SC-55) using Sierra's conversion tools and then hand-editing, taking inspiration from Tom's work as well as my own fresh take on it.
3. Converting the GM score for JV-1000 (also using some GM instruments where none otherwise exist, like Accordion), where I think it'll sound cool and help me get used to that synth.
4. Making a mixed digital score with the MT-32 base and Sound Canvas and JV-1000 enhancements.

Hopefully this all sounds cool or fun to someone out there. It also will be around the 25 year mark since QuestStudios released their LSL5CD in May 1999.
Tom Lewandowski, if you're reading this somehow, thanks for all the memories, inspiration, knowledge you imparted and cool website you made that still lives large in the hearts of so many!
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Re: New Leisure Suit Larry 5 soundtracks coming

Post by jaffa225man »

Wow, thanks for taking on a project with such a wonderful score! I love it on the CM-64/32L (with NewRisingSun's 1.PAT file which reveals the sound effects built into the songs during game-play), but GM will add versatility immensely. It'll be great to hear your JV-50 too, since you spoke so highly of it, and I have nothing like it.

Thanks again!
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