Oooold KQ6 Private Collection page- anyone have it?

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Oooold KQ6 Private Collection page- anyone have it?

Post by Spikey »

I have been secretly working on a KQ6 project, and for fun, I wanted to revisit the old enhanced Audio CD pages from when Tom was selling the CD's, circa 1999-2000.

I can access most from the Wayback archive but not KQ6, found the page via search but the page blocks me with a don't steal bandwidth error.
Did find the ~2005 version which made me happy. :)

So, does anyone have an archived version of the page, or can find access via Wayback? Assistance appreciated.

Hope everyone is doing OK, thanks to Andrew for his hard work on the site recreation, now linked on I see:)
- Alistair
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Re: Oooold KQ6 Private Collection page- anyone have it?

Post by andrew603 »

Unfortunately, I don't think I have that one.. Sorry. :(

As usual, I'm sorry the updates have slowed down so much. I will get some of the remaining digital soundtracks I have online soon. I am also planning out and testing what I think will be an interesting addition to the MIDI pages when I get around to those.

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Re: Oooold KQ6 Private Collection page- anyone have it?

Post by Danansmith »

a KQ6 project?? The project sounds quite good. I will pay further attention to this post, thanks!
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