Yes, I was referring to "Note Off" message velocity, not the Controller 123 "All Notes Off" messages.Spikey wrote: ↑Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:42 am OK, with Note Off, you guys mean the velocity for "Note Off", not a controller command, right? I see that KQ4 uses nonstandard values. In every Sierra game, barring maybe an odd track here or there, the default 64 is used for "Off" velocity, and KQ4 uses sometimes 64 and sometimes varying values. I'm guessing this is what you're referring to?
It's interesting that all Sierra games you've noticed have 64 velocity for "Note Off" messages, but the original KQ4_5.mid from queststudios has no true "Note Off" messages, in favor of "Note On" with 0 velocity (which presents no problems when using overflow assign from the CM-32L and CM-64). It is quite possible Tom doctored it up, though.
No, it definitely is the issue of high velocities mixed with CC #7 messages set too high. Initially, I noticed that the SysEx set high Part Volumes, but even after correcting that, the CC #7 messages raised them, reinstating the issue. If you set just CC #7 lower, it overrides that previous SysEx message (because the controller happens after it, and no other "Part Volume" SysEx is repeated in KQ4_5.mid after those controller messages). The SysEx "Part Volumes," are in complete agreement with the CC #7 messages, so it's redundant. Either the SysEx or CC #7 could cause the digital volume overflow, but since the CC #7 messages happen later, they override the SysEx.Even that aside, I can't think of many games where a note would have a velocity of 127 and the instrument itself would be set to CC #7 Volume of 127. Are you saying it's not that that's the issue, Jaffa, but some SysEx volume part change, or are you saying the SysEx and the high controller values in tandem are causing the "volume overflow"?
I hope that helps clarify it, although I think it's just a rewording and, even now, seems like I should be able to describe it better. Sorry