Archive for January, 2011

Episode 24: A Dark Knight in Joker Asylum! Part 2

In this episode we continue our journey through the asylum.  Not much more to say, fun show.  Check it out!

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Episode 23: A Dark Knight in Joker Asylum! Part 1

Interesting show…  For the first 20 or so minutes had some trouble getting things working.  I really need to get that new audio interface.  So as usual I proceed to complain like an idiot which in hindsight is probably amusing to listen to.  I recall Arfy saying someone wanted to make a promo for the show from some of my rants and raves, which could be funny, hopefully it won’t be too embarrassing.

Either way, I can only apologize so much for the seemingly random technical problems that plague the show.  Every time I think I’ve fixed something, it seems to find a new way to mess up on me.


Once things really kickoff, we started playing Batman: Arkham Asylum on the new PC I built which we have dubbed Synth-Studio Tower!  In my opinion, Arkham Asylum is a pretty great audio experience, the developers did a really good job in the sound department in this game that I thought translated well to doing a play-through on the show.  It’s a really fun game to play.

Though the game itself is plagued with some really annoying bugs, which I won’t go into here, you can look them up on your own if you like.  The bugs seem to be put at bay by Synth-Studio Tower’s overpowering specifications.  Despite the bugs, it’s one of the best games both story and gameplay wise to be released in the last few years.  Much of the voice acting cast from Batman: The Animated Series reprise their roles in the game which is awesome.  Kevin Conroy as Batman is superb, Arleen Sorkin’s Harley Quinn is fantastic.

Worth extra special mention is Mark Hamill, most known as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, reprises his role as Joker.  Only a few words can describe his performance as Joker:  Scary, Chilling and Perfect.

Enjoy the archive!

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Episode 21: New Years Starts New Games!

Our first show for 2011!  We started a new game Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars.


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PS:  Just so no one is confused at the end, when I say I’m “trying to end this conversation”, I meant the conversation in the game hehe.

Edit: forgot to tag this episode into the archive feed.
