Archive for October, 2010

Episode 12: Still More Sam and Max!

 Fun show!  In this episode, we STILL continued playing through Sam and Max Hit the Road.


Download the MP3!

Episode 11: More Sam and Max!

 Fun episode, in this one we continued where we left off in our play through of Sam and Max.  


Download the MP3!

Episode 10: Hitting the Road with Sam & Max!

Just realized I forgot to post the last week’s show!  But, I remember why.  I’m posting it against my better judgement, the recording is pretty botched, I don’t know why..   Icecast hate’s me maybe…

It appears there is some kind of bug with the Standalone OddCast encoder I use saving the archive, it skips sometimes which is a real bummer.  Correction, IT SKIPS A LOT, and I am really annoyed about this.  I will try to figure out what it is for next time.

So, I apologize for when the podcast recording may appear to skip.  It doesn’t get really bad until the last 10 minutes

This was a pretty fun episode though, we had a few guests on teamtalk join in which was cool.  We played through some “Sam & Max Hit the Road”.  I think we will continue this weekend.

Download the MP3!

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