Archive for July, 2010

No Show Today.

Sorry, today’s show has been postponed to next week.  I am pre-occupied this weekend, hosting a pool party.  But keep on voting for next weeks show!  

Take care, and have fun!

Episode 3: Andrew’s MIDI Scramble!

Last night was a bit of a scramble for me.  I wasn’t able to prepare for the show properly due to some real life circumstances.  However, we got through listening to a bunch of my different synthesizers playing some of the same tracks to see how they compared in General MIDI sound.

Most of the comparisons were not really intended to be very objective, just a showcase of how the different synths may play things.  I might try to do something more objective in the future.

Overall, I think the show turned out OK.  It’s a very raw show with me running about plugging in different synths.  I forgot to lay in some background beds when I was just talking, I’ll try to remember that in the future, and always have something for background.

Download the MP3!

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Episode 2: Doom Day!

Tonight, we revisited the music of the games Doom and Doom 2. All the tracks played were remixed by me using my Roland SC-8850 synthesizer.  Additionally, an archive of all the music can be downloaded below.

This was a pretty fun show, excluding some minor technical problems that cut the show a few minutes short towards the end.  Luckily, for the most part, the archive recording came out with very few of the glitches I was hearing live.



The MIDI Music Adventure Show!  Episode 2:  Doom Day!

Download the “Doom Revisited” MP3 Collection. (In 7-Zip format)

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“Doom” Show Tonight 7:00pm-ish to 9:00pm EST! Don’t miss it!

Don’t miss the show tonight!  Planning to start around 7:00pm, but depending on when I finish dinner, might start a bit later.

The votes are in, today’s game music will be from Doom and Doom 2!

I will be playing my own personally remixed versions of the entire Doom 1 soundtrack and some of the Doom 2 soundtrack.

It should be fun!

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Working on the next episode… Make Sure You Vote!

 Hey all!  Just a friendly reminder:  Make sure to vote for what content we should cover on the next episode of The MIDI Music Adventure Show!